“My name is Michael Johnson. The specific problems that I was having were with my neck, shoulders, hips, severe headaches and mid-back region.  With regard to my neck, I was unable to perform the simplest of tasks, such as turning my head from side to side.  I was unable to lift my arms without shooting pains in my shoulders and my middle upper back would burn and hurt almost constantly.  Sleep was next to impossible.  I spoke with Dr. Ford and asked her if she thought this was a condition that should be treated by a medical physician or if she thought chiropractic care should be sought.  I can honestly say I am "pain-free".  If your results are as good as mine, you won't be sorry!”

Thank you Dr. Ford!

Michael Johnson

Dear Dr. Ford,

Thank you so much for relieving my pain. After my car accident I thought my back would be in pain forever, but I was wrong. After a quick visit to your practice my pain was gone. 

Thank you Dr. Ford!


Dear Dr. Ford:

I wanted to thank you for the NAET treatments.  For years I have had terrible headaches whenever I would anything with sulfites in it.  A friend told me about NAET, and while I found it hard to believe that this would work, I figured that I had nothing to lose and decided to try it.  Much to my pleasant surprise, it worked!  I no longer have to read every food product label as carefully as before, my friends no longer have to worry about what to serve when we are invited to their homes for meals, and I can even enjoy a glass of wine occasionally-something I have not done for years!  An unexpected side benefit was that my blood pressure dropped to well within normal range.   All of this without pills or invasive techniques.  How special.


"I am a seventy year old woman who recently suffered from a pinched nerve in my sciatica.  The pain went from lower back all the way down to my foot.  I also suffer from mild arthritis in my lower back.  I was in such immense pain that the simple task of standing was extremely painful and difficult.  At first a doctor recommended physical therapy.  This treatment seemed ineffective.  I soon after had a consultation with Dr. Ford.  Her chiropractic work alleviated the pain.  I now visit her less frequently and will soon be on maintenance visits.  I am very pleased with the treatment that I have received from Dr. Ford and would highly recommend her to other patients."


Dear Dr. Ford:

What can I say? "Thank you" sounds inadequate, and yet thankful I am. SO thankful!  After suffering miserably with allergies to just about everything for the better part o 2016, in December, I finally called your office and spoke to Janet.  Lovely, kind, patient Janet.  Such careless disregard on my part putting off he call because I KNOW the NAET procedure works for me as I was first introduced to the practice by a colleague of yours nearly 20 years ago, so there yo go: what a lot of time I wasted being seriously ill.   I so vividly recall Spring of last year when was living in a haze from over-the-counter allergy medication, my nasal passage dried out from sodium..... You get the picture.  It wasn't pretty, and I was certainly not myself.  So, thank you for healing me, Dr. Ford.  You are an angel.  Anyone who dares tell me of an ailment that their doctor cannot seem to get on top of, I immediately tell them about you and the NAET procedure.  The ret is up to tem.

God  Bless You!

Theresa Kerlin

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